U12 Program

About U12
The U12 program is for boys and girls who have acquired basic skiing skills. Some youngsters will have been members of the U10 team, the Nancy Greene team or may have no previous racing experience but are good skiers. Like U10, the U12 program is an entry level program (AIM 2 WIN, “Learning to Train” phase) designed to introduce children to basic skiing and ski racing skills. Consistent with the emphasis on fundamentals, training prepares children for skiing all kinds of terrain and snow conditions (bumps, ice, and crud). Physical conditioning and training focuses on the development of physical capacities such as agility, balance, co-ordination and speed (ABCs).
The u12 race schedule consists of Slalom and Giant Slalom races. Age: 10 or 11 years of age as of December 31 of the current race season.
Useful Information for U12 Parents
Included in your fees are:
- Training starts once the Vorlage ski hill opens (typically mid-December) and runs until the end of March
- Training during the Christmas and New Year holiday.
- All Race Fees
- OSZ Registration Fees
- 3.5 days of training available per week
Wednesday nights (6:00PM - 8:30PM)
Fridays (9:30AM - 11:30AM, Lunch, 12:30PM - 3PM)
Saturdays (9AM - 11:30AM, Lunch, 12:30PM - 3PM)
Sundays (9AM - 11:30AM, Lunch, 12:30PM - 3PM)
Typical equipment for each U12 athlete:
- Slalom Skis
- Slalom Poles with Pole Guards
- Shin Pads
- Hard Ear FIS Approved Helmet - no stickers or mounts
- Chin Guard
- Ski Tuning Kit
- Giant Slalom Skis
- Giant Slalom Poles
- Vorlage Race Club Jacket
Optional Camps:
Camps are also offered for all U12 athletes for extra fees. Many families turn these camps into mini-family vacations. All camps are run on a pure cost recovery basis. For those not attending a camp, training is offered at Vorlage. The camps typically offered in a season are:
- Mid December camp at Mont Tremblant
- Early February camp